Right-hand traffic

35 % of the world’s population lives in countries with left-hand traffic, but about 90 % of all roads in the world are for right-hand traffic. Apart from countries like Australia, New ZealandIreland and UK, most countries drive on the right side of the road.

Driving in right-hand traffic

Many people who are used to left-hand traffic are a bit scared of hiring a car in a country with right-hand traffic. Although it can be a little confusing at first, most people get used to it quite quickly. Sitting on the “wrong” side of the car also makes it feel more natural to drive on the right side of the road. The hardest thing to get used to are the larger roundabouts and junctions. Try to think that you should do the opposite of your initial reflex. Also keep in mind that the placement of the the turn signal and windscreen wiper levers usually are the other way round.

Some advice along the way

  • Rest your right hand on the gearstick – in the beginning at least. This will prevent you from opening the window instead of changing the gear.
  • Rest your left elbow on the window or armrest of your car.
  • Left-hand turns are the most dangerous turns in right-hand traffic.
  • You drive anti-clock wise in roundabouts and give way on the left.

Map of right-hand and left-hand traffic

In the picture below you see which countries have right-hand traffic in the world.
Red = right hand traffic
Blue = left hand traffic
Map of left and right traffic in the world
For a complete list of countries and a map of the different areas (with zoom), see worldstandards.eu.